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Booking Calendar:-   CHARVIL AC CALENDAR


E-Mail booking request:-




To book your days fishing please follow the procedure below....

All members must have a confirmed booking before fishing.


A maximum of 3 anglers can fish on any given day with a maximum of 2 anglers per water.


You can only book a maximum of 2 weeks in advance.


To book…


E-Mail your membership number, the water you wish to fish, the date you wish to fish and if you require a key to and await a return confirmation E-Mail.


A sample E-Mail could be…  


014, Orrell, 13/7/11, Key please.


With a reply being


014 booked on Orrell for the 13/7/11, Key No1 will be available from the key safe from 6pm the previous day. Keysafe code is 1234


Please return the key through the letter box of No4 Wenlock Edge as soon as possible.

(please note any lost keys will be charged for at £10 each)


If you have requested a carpark key then this can be collected from the key safe located at 4 Wenlock Edge. The code for the key safe will be advised in your confirmation reply.


You can also check that your booking is in by checking out the website calendar where all bookings will be visible. CHARVIL AC CALENDAR


If you do not have internet access then you can send a text between the hours of 16:00 – 18:00 to 0777 212 4044with the same information as above and again await a confirmation text.


Please note the replies for both methods may not be instant….


Please note:- DO NOT PHONE this number, it is the phone number of volunteer helping to run the club and are not able to take phone calls on behalf of Charvil AC.


Before attempting to book, if possible please check the online diary to ensure that tickets are available. CHARVIL AC CALENDAR


 Or complete the form below which will send an E-Mail to the Charvil AC E-Mail address.


Many thanks and tight lines...


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